Day Nine - Blog Post by Abby Strong

Day 9- Abby Strong

Today was the last day in the safari park.  We were able to “sleep in” this morning (7:00) and eat a nice breakfast before we went out on our last drive. God blessed us with cool sightings yesterday so Steve warned us to have low expectations for this morning. A lot of us had one more animal that we wanted to see: lions, which were one of the first things we sighted. We saw elephants, giraffes, zebras, hippos, and many other animals including Kobes (Abbey Engle). Sadly it was time to leave the park. We drove out and went to a market. It was a really cool experience of bartering and making deals with people as they pulled us into their crowded shops. We survived the aggressive salespeople, got a picture with one of the shop owners, and some people (Jared) ended up trading stuff they were wearing for objects at the market. Overall it was a fun environment and we enjoyed the game of deals and trades. We left to head back home and stopped at McDonald’s on the way for some quality food. Along the drive we saw the sun set and got to see the parliament building as we went through one of the capital cities, Pretoria. A few hours later, we safely arrived home for a quick meeting and to hangout. We’re excited to get to see the kids again tomorrow! Peace out.


  1. Sounds like you are all having an amazing trip. I'm blown away by how many animals you got to see. I can't wait to hear more of your stories when you return. Mitch Baum


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